NAET Simply Explained: A Natural Allergy Elimination Therapy

Itchy eyes, runny nose, congestion, sneezing? Headaches, hives, trouble swallowing, coughing? Wheezing, chest pain, vomiting? Swelling, anxiety, the inability to breathe? Any of this sound familiar? From mild to severe, allergies affect more than 50 million Americans every year. Collectively, we allergy sufferers spend a whopping $18 billion a year on allergy-related treatments. Allergies are so common that they rank as the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the United States. While over-the-counter treatment options work well for many, they don’t eliminate the root problem. There is, however, a natural allergy elimination therapy that has proven to be highly effective for many at eradicating allergies and sensitivities for good!

Can you imagine a life without nasal sprays, daily allergy pills, shots, and Epipens? And, not to mention the plague of symptoms, precautions, and anxieties that go hand and hand with yours or your child’s specific case of allergies?

NAET Simply Explained: A Natural Allergy Elimination Therapy

Allergy Management vs. Elimination

Two traditional modes of dealing with a health-related issues are management and elimination. Both approaches involve similar preliminary steps. The difference is one ultimately manages the symptoms through medication or other therapies. The other identifies the root problem and proceeds to eliminate it. In the realm of allergies, it is currently more common to manage the symptoms. But, it is not the only way.

An Allergy Management Approach

Traditional management options for allergies work by suppressing your body’s histamine response to the allergen or allergens that you come into contact with, such as pollen, grass, or dust. Over-the-counter medications like Benadryl stop an allergic reaction from progressing and alleviate the symptoms that are already present after an allergen is touched, inhaled, or ingested. This approach to dealing with allergies doesn’t cure or eliminate the problem, but rather temporarily suppresses the symptoms. As a chronic allergy sufferer, you are bound to the form of treatment that you use; otherwise, daily life could be quite unbearable. For those with severe allergies, you are bound to a life of restrictions and ready-to-inject epinephrine.

Whether your allergies are seasonal or mild or chronic and potentially life-threatening, you know how uncomfortable, irritating, debilitating, and even scary allergies can be. The anxiety and fear are probably tenfold for you if you have a child who suffers from one or more severe allergies. Living with allergies can require some serious preparedness and precautions, as well as restrictions. No one wants to live this way. However, you might be feeling at this point that there is no other viable option than what you are already doing to manage your allergies.

Well, we have some excellent news for you. There is! Not only has this holistic allergy treatment method worked for tens of thousands of people, but it is also relatively inexpensive (in comparison to a lifetime of allergy medications), non-invasive, drug-free, and all-natural. While this natural allergy elimination therapy might not be for everyone, if it is for you, it could truly change your life.

An Allergy Elimination Approach

In the fall of 1983, Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad, a Doctor of Chinese Medicine and Chiropractic Arts, and a licensed acupuncturist, registered nurse, and Ph.D., discovered what she later coined Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET). Rooted in both Western and Eastern medicine, NAET blends allopathy (knowledge of the brain, cranial nerves, spinal nerves, and autonomic nervous system), kinesiology (the science of movement), chiropractic principles, acupuncture, acupressure, and nutrition to identify and eliminate allergies of all types and intensities.

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To summarize what Dr. Nambudripad explains in her book Say Goodbye to Illness, she states that when there is a disruption of energy flow in any of the body’s twelve energy pathways, known as meridians, energy blockages and imbalances can occur and cause diseases and symptoms. An allergy is considered to be an energy imbalance. The symptoms associated with the allergic reaction are due to meridian blockages.

Dr. Nambudripad perfected a technique of identifying the blockages by accessing muscular reactions in the body when it is in contact with the problematic allergen. Once identified, acupuncture or acupressure and chiropractic adjustments clear the energy pathway. When you have an allergy and come into contact with that allergen, your brain sends out distress and react signals.

Different allergens can affect different parts of your body, such as your stomach, liver, kidneys, or large intestines. The reaction can come in the form of symptoms such as a headache, fatigue, a rash, or diarrhea. When your body deploys a response, blockages occur in one or more of your meridians. The number of blocked meridians dictates how severe the allergic reaction will be.

Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques work together to deactivate previously activated immune responses to whatever you are allergic to. Basically, through NAET, the energy blockages are unblocked, and the messages between your brain and cells are rewritten. For mild to moderate reactions, an allergen can typically be eliminated in just one treatment session. Once treated for an allergen using NAET, you should no longer react to the allergen.

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Natural Allergy Elimination: How It Actually Works

The NAET process starts by identifying the problematic allergens and where in the body blockages are occurring when an allergic response takes place. This is done by holding a concentrated sample of an allergen in an enclosed glass vial in your hand while the NAET practitioner accesses muscular reactions in the body. This is known as neuromuscular sensitivity testing. Then, a combination of spinal manipulations, acupuncture, and acupressure is used to unblock the obstructed meridians.

In doing this, the brain is also being reeducated to learn that the allergen is not a threat to the body, and an immune response is not necessary. It is proposed that when specific sensory nerves and pain receptors are stimulated through acupressure and acupuncture while the patient is in contact with the allergen, the brain receives an altered message that the allergen that was once a threat is now no longer. This is how NAET ultimately retrains the brain. It takes 24-hours for the brain to reach all of the cells in the body with this updated message. One allergen is treated at a time using this natural allergy elimination method.

NAET is still considered controversial by some, as are many forms of holistic and natural medicine and treatment options. However, the proof is in the thousands of patients who have already received relief. There have also been over three and a half decades of research conducted on this natural allergy treatment. Because NAET is an all-natural allergy elimination therapy, you don’t have to worry about the long lists of side effects that often accompany more pharmaceutical approaches. Of course, extra caution is necessary for those with an allergy that induces anaphylaxis. Under the care of a licensed NAET practitioner, NAET is a safe and great alternative for those who are tired of managing their allergies.

Finding Balance and Freedom from Allergies the Natural Way

According to traditional Chinese Medicine principles, “health is defined as a state of balance within an individual and between the individual and nature.” This concept is simple. However, your reality might make you feel discouraged as you sneeze, sniffle, swell up, and feel like you are suffocating in the presence of the allergens that control you. We all want a quick fix to what ails us. But, if you only treat the symptoms, the problems will always be there. NAET is a possible solution to naturally eliminate the problem altogether. No problem, no symptoms.

At Innovative Medicine, our wellness philosophy is grounded in the practice of looking at the body as a whole and intricately interconnected system. Every part of your body is connected and affected in one way or another by every other part. Allergies and the energy pathway blockages that they cause can lead to a whole slew of other chronic ailments. In fact, many chronic conditions are actually just undiagnosed allergies. Also, if your immune system is continuously battling allergens, it is compromised in its effectiveness at warding off other intrusive pathogens and bacteria.

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To achieve balance, we must identify and recalibrate the source of imbalance. If you have allergies, you definitely have an imbalance. NAET is an alternative and possibly permanent solution to the imbalance that allergy disease causes. Twelve thousand licensed practitioners practice NAET in North America. You have nothing to lose by making an appointment for a consultation. The first step to achieving balance is recognizing there is an imbalance. The next step is realizing that your imbalance can be releveled. To live your best life, you must obtain this balance within yourself and your environment.

Learn more about Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques and locate a practitioner near you by visiting the official NAET website.

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