Systemic vs Symptomatic
Much of medicine has become obsessed with alleviating symptoms. Success in the conventional medical arena is defined as the relief of symptoms. Yet a new notion among many in the medical community is challenging this current model. A new approach focusing on regulation and restoration of the SYSTEMS and organs of the body, rather than management and suppression of SYMPTOMS that are often associated with disease and illness is now gaining steam. Thus spawns the debate of systemic vs symptomatic.
In an article by Michael Finkelstein, MD, in which he interviews Kenneth R. Pelletier, Ph.D., M.D. (clinical professor at the University of Arizona School of Medicine), the point of a systemic vs symptomatic approach is discussed:
We need to realize that we need a longer-term view. We need a slower model of healing, because systems don’t change overnight. You don’t take an aspirin and get rid of your headache within 30 minutes. Headaches are persistent. It may take weeks of changes that take place. So it’s a slower, more systemic approach, but the result is a healthy system.
~ Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier, MD
The objective is not an end to a particular symptom, although that symptom will resolve in process. Instead, the approach is to modify the entire system, not just to address a particular symptom.

Complexity vs Simplicity
Treating on a symptomatic basis can be complex. The ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision) currently has several hundreds of codes for symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, and ill-defined conditions. With more and more medications that work directly on a single symptom, the treatment of multi-faceted, multi-symptomatic conditions has become very complex. Depending on whether the patient is exhibiting a productive chest cough, dry cough, whooping cough, or wheezing, a number of different medications may be prescribed in an attempt to suppress the symptom of coughing. Even after symptomatic relief is achieved, continuous management of the symptom must be maintained, and often other symptoms will arise and medications must be adjusted to address each symptom.
Addressing Root Causes
By targeting systems and organs where underlying dysfunctions first occur, rather than surface-level individual symptoms, practitioners have found greater long-term results with a systemic approach to healing. This simplified manner of treatment not only then regulates and restores the proper functioning of systems/organs of the body but simultaneously relieves symptoms that are exhibiting because of underlying causative dysfunctions. Although this process may take a longer time, it is exponentially more advantageous when compared to the alternative of life-long maintenance of symptoms without ever addressing root cause dysfunctions.

Regulating Systems through Medications
Today, advanced European Biological Medicines such as spagyric medicine and organotherapy provide an effective and safe means of regulating systems and organs and aim to restore proper functioning within the body. Utilizing natural substances, and specialized production processes to develop concentrated, yet purified formulas, these holistic medicines effectively create biochemical and informational changes and therapeutic responses that initiate a self-healing process in specific systems and organs, rather than suppressing symptoms.
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