The Story of Healthy Nomadic Travel With Yuli Azarch.
You may not be thinking about traveling during the pandemic, but the truth of the matter is whether its a virus, bacteria, EMF radiation, food issues, or something else, travel can be tough on the body. Now imagine living nomadically and trying to optimize your health.
This episode’s guest has managed to apply a holistic approach to not only help reverse disease while living on the road but to actually optimize it. He’s started some really interesting companies along the way as well. We’ll learn just how important health is to him, and hopefully, gain inspiration as we learn some important lessons that can be applied to the scare we are all going through.
This is the story of healthy nomadic travel with Yuli Azarch.
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The Transcript
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Caspar Szulc: 00:01
Caspar Szulc here, Co-Founder of Innovative Medicine, recording this episode during these strange and somewhat scary times. It’s not that pandemics are something new, but we’re seeing now, perhaps we’re not as prepared as we think we are. And I’m not speaking about the government or hospitals, but more so about our bodies, minds, and spirits. And although there’s a lot of panic going on, we wanted to present an alternative viewpoint and different perspective. We’ve worked to get a lot of great resources up on our website to inform and empower you as to what specific actions can be done, but I also want to share the insight of someone who truly understands the value of optimal health. And as traveling has come to somewhat of a halt as many of us self-quarantine, today’s guest has lived the opposite of that – as in he’s been living the nomadic life for some time and learned quite a bit on what it means to stay healthy in the face of global health issues. He’s not pushing any products nor is he a specialist in any one field, but his story is inspiring and a positive one I think people will want to hear during these dire times. This is the Story of Healthy Nomadic Travel with Yuli Azarch.
Well Yuli thank you for being here. You know, you’re an entrepreneur, but the thing I found most interesting was that you’ve been living nomadically for five and a half years. Can you tell us a little bit about what may have motivated you to do that and what has that experience been like for you?
Yuli Azarch: 01:32
Yeah, thanks for having me, Caspar. I appreciate it. So yeah, I’ve been living this way for the last five and a half years, I believe already five years and seven months. So I think what sprouted this idea is just the desire to travel the world honestly. I think it’s a, I read somewhere, but it’s one of the most desirable things human beings want to do in general, like travel the world and the like longterm travel. But most people can’t due to too many various reasons. It can be financial. It can be a family and it was the right age. It was the right time. I was 23 when I started. I’m 29 right now as we are recording this. And I started building online businesses as well. I wanted to do longterm travel. I was inspired by the Tim Ferris book “The Four Hour Workweek” in terms of this kind of similar lifestyle and automating your business and really freeing up your time so you can really do whatever you want at a time. And yeah, five and a half years ago I just bought a one-way ticket to Brazil, to the World Cup at a time in 2014 and I kind of never stopped traveling from there. I really didn’t plan traveling with long or leading that lifestyle. It was just a decision to go there. The result five and a half years ago, and here I am, five and a half years later, still traveling and kind of still living this lifestyle.
Caspar Szulc: 02:57
That’s great. And you know, I’ve, I’ve told a lot of people about Tim Ferris’s books and his other ones and most that read it are very skeptical, of course – a four hour work week is literally not many people work four hours or have the opportunity. But I do think there are pieces in there that you can take out and you can apply if, if you prioritize. For you it was, I want to do this, what’s it going to take me to get there? And was it an arduous task to become nomadic and still have the income to do that. To continuously travel.
Yuli Azarch: 03:32
This was my goal. So everything I was doing and every single income stream or business that was building in my mind, I was thinking how I can automate it, how it can be online as well so I can really do travel. So I said to note the specific opportunities or specific businesses where it will not give me the lifestyle. So I think it was a conscious choice to kind of go over to try it. And I, there’s many references for people who have done it, not just from Tim Ferriss. Lots of bloggers are showing up like six, seven years ago. And it is definitely possible if someone is skeptical. I’ve had, I’ve had many weeks where I worked less than four hours or what an hour a week, two weeks where it didn’t work. But I don’t think that’s the point of the book, if we’re kind of talking about it, the point is more freeing up your time so you can be in control of your life. And if you choose to travel, that’s great. And if it’s just to do other things with your time, that’s great as well. I work way more than four hours currently. I don’t work 60 70 hours. I think I’m pretty balanced there. But yeah, I just started like building my online businesses and I think from age 19 already. So it took me four years to get to a point where it could actually start doing it longterm. And I had to learn on the way because it was a new thing for me and your experience and I kind of started iterating lots of things from there and started growing my income as well from there. Not just staying stagnant of where I was.
Caspar Szulc: 04:57
Yeah, and we’ll come back to that entrepreneurial kind of endeavor you undertook and all the new things you’re doing, but one of the things I wanted to talk a little bit about is travel and how that impacts health in both positives and negatives. Now I’ve always said I love to travel. I’ve been traveling since I was young. I was fortunate enough to have parents who travel with me when I was young to different exotic places and I said it could be incredibly healing that the opening up to new cultures, the learning about new healing modalities and how other people live and being grateful for where you are and seeing so many different people around the world can have a healing effect. But I do understand there are health risks to it when you travel and you’ve been to some great places, I’m sure you experienced both pros and cons. So can you go a little bit into that and see and tell us how travel has impacted your health in the pro and con sections?

“So, out in California or maybe where you’re at, they’ll say the ozone levels are such and such. Right. And that’s a representation of how bad the pollution is because the ozone is actually the molecule that’s purifying the pollution, but they just grabbed that one as a measuring stick. So ozone therapy though is different. We were taking a medical grade ozone oxygen mixture, applying it in a lot of different ways and that has what’s called a Hormesis effect where it stimulates a mild, very mild toxicity. The poison is in the dose.”
Yuli Azarch: 05:52
Yeah Caspar, my experience is actually exactly very similar to what you said. There are pros and there are cons, like lots of beautiful things and there’s lots of negative aspects of traveling as well. I would say that definitely if I have to summarize the whole last five and a half years, traveling is very healing. Lots of learning specifically not just health in general about a world. And yeah, I was very interested in health in general from a very young age because I started having some back pain and when I was 17 and that’s kind of what got me started trying different modalities and trying different things to heal my back. That’s what got me interested in diet. And then many other alternative things I’ve tried for my back. While it didn’t really help my back, it got me into health and you start improving many other aspects of my personal health.
So this is one anchor in my life really got me started interested in being healthy myself because I sort of lost my health when I was 17, until the age of 21/22. It was pretty debilitating at the time. So I already had the interest of health and yeah, while traveling you can see different herbs people are using in different places like South America. In Peru they use more Maca and they use the Coca tree and Coca leaves, which should drink to get adjusted to the climate. And then you have the Chinese or when you’re in Asia and you start doing a one plus one, basically seeing how different people eat in different climates as well. Even like in hot climates, people eat lots of coconuts and more fruits maybe. And when it’s the wintertime people are eating more meat and more cooked food maybe.
And so yeah, I traveled in South America, in Asia and Europe in the States. And yeah, I did start noticing lots of good things or for different cultures are doing for their health because I was actually looking for it. I think you can travel and miss it. So I was actively searching for the local health stores. I was searching for the local foods, I was trying different experiences and I definitely learned a lot. It was a very healing experiences. I was living on the beach many times on the most beautiful beaches of the world and I saw how stress-free I was and how stress-free all the people around me usually are in such places and how I felt great. And then I also lived in bigger cities and I saw how people are usually more stressed in those environments and one of the things I started picking up throughout my travels. I think as I started noticing how I feel differently in each different place, I started kind of noticing and one place I’ll feel amazing, I’ll sleep great. I’ll wake up with energy, and then in another apartment in another country and another city all of a sudden I was waking groggy, I was having brain fog. And I was not kind of living 100-120% or to my potential. So I learned a lot. And traveling also has negative consequences as he said that which I started learning I think in last year. Part of it is flying. I was flying a lot basically, and I was flying just for fun because I wasn’t wanting to leave nomadically. And flying beats down your buddy, like I don’t know any single person who feels better from point a getting on the airport or getting on the plane and point B when you go down, I think every single person’s going to feel worse.
So I started learning how flying affects it and how the environment affects your body and I start being more conscious of protecting myself. And I started seeing how yeah, it takes a beating on the body and you need to recover and you need to be more aware of it and actually start doing things proactively to protect yourself to recover afterward and in order to remain healthy. Because lots of people can get sick from flying. And I know lots of people living nomadically and many of them kind of get sick when you have crazy flight schedules so. Okay. Yeah, I have both the pros and both the cons from this lifestyle when it comes to the health aspect. Yeah.
Caspar Szulc: 09:54
And you bring up a really interesting point there is the actual traveling to flying the toll it takes on the body. And I remember when I was on Bulletproof Radio, and Dave Asprey’s talking about that of course he’s wearing blue blocking sunglass or glasses and he’s doing compression socks and all this and hydrating and everything – taking different supplements to help out with the jet lag and trying to protect your body. What are some of your tips that maybe you could share when traveling? Because I do know so many patients, especially those that are going through a healing process are most impacted. Their bodies are most sensitive to these things and they don’t want to stop traveling because traveling is a beautiful thing. It could actually help you, again, as you said, get out of the city and relax a bit and lower that stress, which is really important for a lot of us. So what are some of the tips maybe you could share?
Yuli Azarch: 10:44
Yeah, it’s also maybe important flying to do a certain therapy, like from STEM cells and very many advanced therapies, which you can get only sometimes by flying somewhere. But in general, like if you’re going for some chronic disease, like flying is not the most ideal thing. You want to create a great healing environment, in my opinion, where it can heal, strengthen yourself, and then when you are stronger like go and fly. But some of the things which I am specifically doing in my protocols, when I’m flying, I am, I’m before and after a flight, I will do an infrared sauna and I will search very actively in every place I go to for specifically infrared sauna. If I can get infrared, I’ll look for regular sauna to sweat. I really love doing float tanks before and after. I think it’s an amazing therapy. The magnesium we should get. The relaxation. It lowers your stress. I love doing massage after a flight because you’re kind of stuck in a chair for, I don’t know how long, many hours and then you’re stuck in a taxi. So I will search for those treatments anywhere I go.
And usually those are available in every place. After the flight I will let my body sleep as much as it needs. So before I used to have meetings maybe and I was putting an alarm clock and I didn’t let my body recover as much as needed. So I’ll let my body sleep as much as it needs. Even if it’s 12, 14, 15, 16 hours. I don’t care. Like my recovery, my body and my health, is my top priority after a flight and I’ll let the body decide how long it needs. I’m on the flight, I’m using black wool clothing I found from my research that it can block some of the solar radiation which you can have. So instead of exposing my whole body, I am literally blocking my whole body and I’m including my head and my neck. Everything with black wool, 100% wool clothing and I find I feel much better throughout the flight with this type of clothing.
I take lots of supplements as well before and after. I take maybe 20 to 40 supplements a day in general, but specifically before and after the flight, I’ll make sure to take supplements which raise my immune system because the immune system is going to take a hit one way or another. So I think you want to be proactive and make sure your immune system is in top shape so you’re not going to get sick from all the things you may be exposed for travel. So I like Chinese mushrooms, like they could really high doses of Reishi mushroom before the flight and after for the flight. I like, I like alpha glucan which raises your T killer cells. I have some precursors to glutathione which I take which are very important. For me personally, I also found from a genetic test that actually can produce as much glutathione. So for me it’s very important as well. So those are some of the supplements which I take. I really like camu camu as well, which is a form of vitamin C. So I’ll load up with a very, very high doses of those supplements before and after to raise my immune system. I use different crystals on the flight, which I take with me as well. I use the Tesla plates with me, which I like. Anecdotally, I just feel better when I have them with me. I also use a device called the qi shield, which protects you from EMF. It’s supposed to create like a nine to nine meters like of biosphere, which protects you and, but, and anecdotally again, I just feel much better flying with his device on the airplane. And yeah, those are some of the things which I do every single time when I fly to make sure I’m well recovered, to make sure I take care of myself and I don’t get sick like. When I fly, unless I have really high exposures of anything, which these days is more rare, I don’t really get sick. So everything I can do basically and everything, every resource I can tap into, I’m going to use it specifically for our flights. If it can do an IV therapy afterwards, usually I don’t really have access to this all the time around the world, but I’ll do a Myers cocktail, I’ll do a vitamin C drip as well. Really anything I can and have access to because you have access to different things in different places. I’ll utilize to make sure I’m stronger and I can recover faster basically.
Caspar Szulc: 15:09
Yeah, those are amazing tips and if you’re listening and traveling, I think you hit on some of the key notes you want to be doing. You want to allow your body to recover. It is going in a different place. You know, whether you look at it energetically that some of the organs are just trying to keep up and you know, still stuck in a different time zone so they may not be functioning well. So you want to allow that rest where you say, I always say take a day or two before, add on to that and allow your body to rest and adapt because there is the adapt time to it and you have to allow that body and also the immune system. So many people get sick on flights, right? So you want to boost your immune system through all those supplements, all those ways and rest is one of the ways as well to do that. So those are great, great tips. Now you know, you have this entrepreneurial spirit and you’ve been traveling for five and a half years and of course, you’re a health enthusiast and then that shows. Through your traveling. How did that influence your perspective and through your actual experience and maybe your wife’s even experienced, how did that influence your perspective on EMF and technology?
Yuli Azarch: 16:14
Okay. So I will take one step back. As I mentioned before, specifically for traveling, I had the luxury experience of being in many apartments and being in many hotels and being in many countries. And I started noticing really early on as I mentioned, but in some places I feel great. Some places I’ll feel really shit, basically. In some places I will become sick. In some places I won’t sleep. So I started noticing some patterns. But in someplaces I feel great and in some places I don’t feel great and slowly I start picking up the reasons and started noticing potential reasons why I don’t feel great in some places and why I do feel great. And the environment you’re in, in my opinion, is very crucial to make sure that you are healthy. I listened and a lot about mold for podcasts. I saw the moldy documentary of Dave Asprey and it’s very different. How does, how do I say, right? It’s very different reading about Italy and living in it. So it’s very different hearing about something like mold and then experiencing firsthand. And I had lots of experiences where, in Central America specifically, where the temperatures is very humid. I had very big mold exposures for myself and I noticed how it was affecting me and he started affecting my wife as well, who is very, very sensitive to mold. And I didn’t pick up that there is mold in those places. I was blind to it basically because partially it’s sort of like an invisible thing. It’s the same thing as the EMFs. It’s invisible, you don’t see them. So from my travel I started picking up those things. I had mold exposure and then I had some parasite exposure. And I had really high acute EMF exposures as well. The first experience I had with EMF, which kind of turned a light in my head, I was in a clinic and there was a guy who was very sensitive to EMFs and when I entered the cleaning I had to shut off my air, my phone put on airplane mode and I was literally two to three rooms away from that guy. And the physician who was there came to me and ask if my phone is on an airplane mode and apparently I left the location services on and apparently he was feeling it even though I was two or three rooms away and the phone was on airplane mode. So this was the first like light bulb, which turned into my head because I had the personal experience. I think it’s very different when you read about something, when you hear about something, maybe in this podcast or any other versus when you experienced it a lot along the travel, my wife started having some health challenges as well.
She developed mold sensitivity because we were exposed to very high amounts of mold when we’re traveling in Central America. Apparently she was fighting heavy metal toxicity, something which started from her early childhood and kind of bubbled up throughout the traveling as well. So all of a sudden throughout the traveling, while I was feeling better and worse in some places, my wife started having health challenges, specifically heavy mold toxicity. And we start kind of working on helping her on healing it. Like the situation of her health was not ideal. And I start studying, basically I started learning that metals, mold, and a recurring pattern I saw is that EMF is very impactful. So specifically when someone has heavy metals and specifically when someone will have mold EMF will impact the body much more. And while she was struggling, we, for health challenges, she started having EMF sensitivity, electrohypersensitivity, meaning she started physically feeling the symptoms from wifi cell towers and really any wireless radio frequencies, which different devices have.
And to be honest with you, like initially, I was even skeptical because it’s sort of invisible. You don’t see those fields. And I didn’t feel any of those fields initially or so I thought that I didn’t really feel any of it. And slowly we kind of started doing one plus one and we put the puzzle pieces together and we realized that EMF is a big impact on her first of all. It’s having lots of…creating lots of symptoms for her. And we had a health coach which was helping her and he was regularly telling us to mitigate EMF. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, I may be pronouncing his name. So he wouldn’t take a patient – like he’s treating patients for Lyme disease, heavy metal toxicity. He would not take a patient if they would not address their EMF situation, which was very interesting for me. So we started noticing that she’s very sensitive to EMFs and we slowly started like disabling the wifi in the house and started like doing different things to mitigate EMF. But the light bulb, really hit when we went to the countryside. And it was a very low EMF environment because there are barely any cell towers, there’s less population. And overnight, like 50% of her symptoms literally just got better and this was free. We just got to nature basically. A Healing environment. Healing frequencies, and I think to be spoiled, we’ve spent maybe a $100 thousand, $150 thousand more or less on alternative treatments on really lots of things for her health and all of a sudden, all we’ve done is went to the countryside, really wild nature, and 50% of symptoms gone like in a day; overnight for free. And this happened around a year ago and a few months and this is partially what got me really interested in EMF, I was shocked about how it impacted her. And the interesting thing I saw how it’s impacting me as well while I was not fighting any chronic disease. As I mentioned, sometimes I was feeling bad. Sometimes we’re feeling worse and I have very high expectations of how I want to feel every single day. So for me, I expect my brain to be 100% operational and more every single day. And all of a sudden I noticed when I have higher exposures to EMF, my brain capacity went to 60%, maybe to 55%. Or maybe I started having certain headache when I was exposed more to my phone when it was not on airplane mode. I just wasn’t noticing it before. And just because I cannot like eyes were open to the potential dangers of EMF, I started noticing how it’s impacting me.
I started learning, I started researching, I started reading a ton of books about EMF. And there’s so much research on this topic. I started buying EMF meters. So I actually started measuring the invisible fields versus just guessing. And Oh man, the EMF meters is a huge thing. I think if anyone cares about EMF, you want to measure it because it’s invisible and you never know which devices have made it and which kind of difference you can have. So I think having an EMF meter to actually measure those invisible fields is really important. So that’s kinda the story of how I got interested in EMF. And I delve really deep into it. The last 12 months for a lot of research and then experimentation and then seeing how it’s impacting me through testing the different EMFs. So kind of that’s what got me interested in the topic and partially fraud, the journey, what I had.
Yuli Azarch: 16:14
Okay. So I will take one step back. As I mentioned before, specifically for traveling, I had the luxury experience of being in many apartments and being in many hotels and being in many countries. And I started noticing really early on as I mentioned, but in some places I feel great. Some places I’ll feel really shit, basically. In some places I will become sick. In some places I won’t sleep. So I started noticing some patterns. But in someplaces I feel great and in some places I don’t feel great and slowly I start picking up the reasons and started noticing potential reasons why I don’t feel great in some places and why I do feel great. And the environment you’re in, in my opinion, is very crucial to make sure that you are healthy. I listened and a lot about mold for podcasts. I saw the moldy documentary of Dave Asprey and it’s very different. How does, how do I say, right? It’s very different reading about Italy and living in it. So it’s very different hearing about something like mold and then experiencing firsthand. And I had lots of experiences where, in Central America specifically, where the temperatures is very humid. I had very big mold exposures for myself and I noticed how it was affecting me and he started affecting my wife as well, who is very, very sensitive to mold. And I didn’t pick up that there is mold in those places. I was blind to it basically because partially it’s sort of like an invisible thing. It’s the same thing as the EMFs. It’s invisible, you don’t see them. So from my travel I started picking up those things. I had mold exposure and then I had some parasite exposure. And I had really high acute EMF exposures as well. The first experience I had with EMF, which kind of turned a light in my head, I was in a clinic and there was a guy who was very sensitive to EMFs and when I entered the cleaning I had to shut off my air, my phone put on airplane mode and I was literally two to three rooms away from that guy. And the physician who was there came to me and ask if my phone is on an airplane mode and apparently I left the location services on and apparently he was feeling it even though I was two or three rooms away and the phone was on airplane mode. So this was the first like light bulb, which turned into my head because I had the personal experience. I think it’s very different when you read about something, when you hear about something, maybe in this podcast or any other versus when you experienced it a lot along the travel, my wife started having some health challenges as well.
Caspar Szulc: 23:34
Yeah. I think that brings up a really good topic of, of redefining toxicity, right? Because so many people understand mold as a toxicity. They understand heavy metals, that’s all through labs and everyone kind of admits to that being a huge impact or on your health. But you know, we also know that there are so many hidden ones, you know, invisible, let’s say as best as you know, radiation, you could say, of course, nuclear radiation. And we pick up on that. Yet somehow with all the technology we have around us, we keep pushing away this idea that EMF is something that really impacts us. And maybe because it is subtle in many people, but you know, through your personal research and this, this experience you’ve had, why do you think it is that mainstream media is so slow to catch on to the given data, even when you have lots of research dating back to the 1960s that is scientifically verifiable, right?
Yuli Azarch: 24:29
Yeah. it’s a very tricky and complex topic. So number one, you have to understand that the telecommunication industry is four times bigger than the pharmaceutical industry. Wow. So you have to understand how much money he’s involved there. And unfortunately, I think human nature is when money is involved, people are ah, what’s the right word? They’re pretending something’s don’t exist. That’s just my personal opinion. I think lots of people can agree on research on the pharmaceuticals, but kind of nobody really thinks about a telecommunication industry in this way. There is a lot of science and research, as you said, dating back 60 years ago. It’s still showing potential harmful effects. So partially it’s a very inconvenient truth because we all love our technology and right now the whole economies based on the technology. So I think right now in 2020 as we’re recording. I don’t think anyone is doubting that kind of smoking a cigarette. is not good for health. But if you think about it 25, 30 years ago, people are still smoking on airplanes. It was still normally in our society to do it and it took maybe 70, 80 years depending on when the cigarettes came out to get actually to this point where government’s have admitted smoking is unhealthy and only now in last 20 plus years people have admitted smoking is unhealthy. And by the way, from traveling around the world, that’s not the situation everywhere. For example, Eastern Europe have very high smokers and you can smoke even inside restaurants and buildings. Something which is not allowed in the States in the more developed countries. Yes. So we have that kind of piece.
And you also, people are more addicted to phones. I know I’m addicted to my phone, I’m using it. So you have like bad science there, you have more people are addicted to the devices and it’s an inconvenient truth. I mean I love technology and I think the key is just learning how to use technology in a wiser way and there are certainly wiser ways to do it. But the awareness currently he’s not there and I think people are not linking some of what we feel the same way. I was not linking some of the symptoms I was having specifically to this exposure. So I think that’s one of the reasons why people aren’t aware and currently as we’re speaking it’s just exploding more and more. It’s like an explosion which is happening only in the last four or five, six years. Everything is smart. Wireless is everywhere. We have wifi on every single airplane. This was not the case five years ago when I started traveling by the way. Planes were without wifi. So things are changing very rapidly as well. And you have to understand only 10 years ago the smart from came out. Like, just think how much the world has changed and how much we are used to those devices. But this is new, like there is no actual research and actual data showing what’s happening and what will happen to you when you’re exposed to those devices and everything around you longterm. There’s really no research. So it’s sort of like an experiment and luckily or not I’m feeling those waves. My wife is feeling she became electro-hypersensitive. So I’m protecting myself right now and I think of all the sound of reasons why it’s a tricky and complex topic.
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Caspar Szulc: 27:44
Right. And being a sensitive person, it is a double-edged sword because you’re going to feel it first, but also that allows you to react. I always said being sensitive and you know, feeling things and being able to pick up a lot of people would see that as a negative. I see it as a positive. You’re the Canary in the mine picking up on things first so you’re almost able to react to it better. So I found out that there’s a blessing because I’m very sensitive but sometimes I’ll eat something and other people will be there and I’ll start to feel a little bit of, you know, of an stomach right. And I’ll say I can’t eat that and everyone will eat more and more. But in a sense that may be a poison. So kind of toxin and there is some kind of bacteria. So it’s, it’s really interesting to be a sensitive person in this world because there are so many new things and you are acting a bit as a Canary. For others who maybe aren’t quite there yet, but ours starting to pick up on this idea that yes, EMF radiation is impacting me. What are the best resources for others to learn more about the effects of EMF that you found?
Yuli Azarch: 28:50
Yeah, Caspar. I totally say in terms of sensitivity, if I’ll feel bad I’ll feel it while others may not feel it and I totally agree. Like, I believe it’s a blessing in disguise because then I can be proactive and actually mitigate the specific food or in the EMF situation, I can mitigate the EMF. And even if someone doesn’t feel it, that’s kind of what I, coming to the conclusion from the signs. It doesn’t mean it’s not impacting you on your cell level, even if you are not feeling it immediately. So I, I totally think it’s a blessing in disguise. And because of it, like I’m de-EMFing the whole house. I’m measuring things. And this allows me to feel much more calmer, healthier and relaxed, which is the consequence of lowering the exposure personally. And one direction which I came, is creating an EMF clothing line. Cool and stylish clothing where people can protect themselves from specifically from the radio frequencies, from the wireless radiation, from cell towers, smart meters, smart homes, cell phone routers, kind of everything which emits wireless radiation. And it’s really still in the process as we’re talking. I don’t really have anything up for sale, but that’s a direction I am taking currently. And I do think it’s a big opportunity, but there’s literally lots of question marks in this niche in terms of many aspects. So I don’t know where it will take me, but I’m creating like one brand. I’m looking at a few other solutions as well. At Different products, but I don’t really have anything concrete right now. I’m still researching and thinking what maybe the most valuable thing to create and what the market also wants. The mixture of most of things.
Caspar Szulc: 30:34
Now you know a lot about health and even dealing with it and you could see that you’re researching so much, which is great. I say the biggest thing you could do to take hold of your health is really just to understand and, and be aware of what’s out there and all the research behind it. Can you give some of your best tips or advice for just maintaining your health or even reversing disease that you found? Of course it’s EMF. I understand shielding yourself from that, but what else are you doing on a daily basis to maintain and preserve your health?
Yuli Azarch: 31:07
I’m doing a lot of things. My thing, my whole day is structured around when I can, when I’m settled down after traveling and I remove the plane exposure and all the other bad things. So I do yoga every single day and I really love as a moving practice. I do meditation, 20 minutes of meditation every single day. I think meditation is a great tool to relax yourself for a health – removing stress I think I’m coming to the conclusion is a very, very important for your health. Stress has a huge impact on your health, especially since we live in a world where we’re connected for technology and this can create more stress on the body and there are more demands. So meditation is one of my best things which I do every single day. I love taking cold showers in the morning. I wish I would’ve had like an ice bath, but I don’t really own my own house. I’m still nomadic. I mentioned saunas, float tanks, massages. I do them besides planes as much as I can when I have access to them. Being in nature and just removing a lot of negative pollutions, including EMF I think is a huge thing which I do. I make sure to put myself in good environments. I am de-EMFing myself from all the different types of EMS, which includes radio frequencies, electrical fields, magnetic fields, and dirty electricity. So removing those things into my environment where I can. I take a lot of supplements as well. So I may take on any single day, 20 to 40 supplements. I usually love taking them on an empty stomach because the supplements are absorbed better.
One thing which I do is I do lots of fasting and time-restricted eating. I usually will…the minimum I’ll do is 12 hours between my last meal and my first meal. But usually I’ll go to 16, 18 to 20 hours. Right now as I’m talking to you, I haven’t really eaten anything. I drank coffee this morning and I drank a cup of bone broth, which is sort of food. It’s liquid, but I don’t really have anything, didn’t have anything solid for 18 hours already from yesterday. So time-restricted eating is really great. Sleep I think is very important thing, which I keep optimizing in. Having a really good sleep is also just very essential for me, for my health. I measure my sleep using my Oura ring and I just wake up without an alarm clock. So I used to have alarm clock and apparently I was robbing myself of my last REM sleep, which is usually when I’m having it towards the end of my sleep cycle. So I just let my body sleep as much as it wants and I don’t really use any alarm clock and I feel much better and more rejuvenated.
I will not sit down. So right now I’m standing in front of the computer. I will avoid sitting down. I will move as much as I can throughout the day as well. In front of the computer right now I’m moving as well. When I’m talking to you. Any other way I can move my body. So those are some of the things which I’m proactively doing on a regular basis.
IV treatments is something I’m a big fan of. I don’t have access to them all the time. But when I do, I do different IV treatments as well. But what I said is the basics. I think just having a good environment, being in nature, taking a lot of supplements which can support me. Reducing stress, sleeping well, grounding myself, which I haven’t mentioned. I think some of those basic things I just really the 20/80 which can bring the best bang for the buck in terms of maintaining your health.
Caspar Szulc: 34:56
And do you feel it’s, it’s truly a holistic approach and doing all of that in a comprehensive nature that is helping you most? Or do you find it’s, you know, a few things that are really sticking out and the rest or you’re just adding on?
Yuli Azarch: 35:09
I don’t really know. I mean, I’m throwing everything I can at myself here. I think the more things you’re doing, the more it can impact. So there are a few pillars such as sleep, relaxation, recovery, light, grounding yourself supporting your body, not eating. Like, I think all of those things are important. I’ll, I’ll not do everything all the time, but the more things that you can throw yourself probably can support yourself better. So I don’t really know is better necessarily. Like being in nature for me is one of the best things possible. It’s like the 20/80 because my environment, EMF, the nature….this usually creates the base for me when I’m in the same place for longer to really sustain my health and feel better. But really everything I can throw in there, I’ll do it basically.
Caspar Szulc: 36:00
No, I completely agree that it’s a holistic approach. Everyone wants to find the one magic pill. The one thing that will change everything. When I don’t abide by that. I think it’s, it’s the sum of all the parts of everything you’re doing and the healthy choices that are getting you to that way and either going to help you get out of disease and into health or help you maintain that health. So I loved all those things because they are very well rounded, hitting the body, hitting the mind, hitting all these different areas.
Yuli Azarch: 36:31
There is a sentence like ‘you have a death of a thousand cuts’. So the same way is disease and bad things in your body, but usually don’t happen from one single exposure. It’s not just EMF. It’s not just heavy metals. It’s not just mold. Any other bad thing. It’s usually one, two, three, four, five things together combined, which can create some chronic disease or some issue of health. So the same thing, if you reverse it for health, it’s not just one thing. It’s not one supplement which does the trick and helps you. It’s the supplements. It’s the sleep, it’s recovering. And what I learned about even heavy metal toxicity, it’s not just one thing which can help you remove metals from the body. When I was studying heavy metals, because my wife had heavy metal toxicity, it’s complex. Health is complex and it’s many things together, which you want to do, which combined can give you a better result and better outcome. It’s never one thing really.
Caspar Szulc: 37:26
And that’s the beauty of integrative medicine, true integrative medicine. Or an integrative approach, even to lifestyle changes and everything. It’s that you’re using things from around the world as many options as possible because you want to get at that complexity. And normally one thing won’t do it. And I think what you, what you kind of broach in on there also with your wife and the heavy metal detox is, is that everyone is different as well. So even as you’re listening to this right now, what Yuli has given doesn’t mean it’s going to work for you. I think that you’re going with a very broad scope is wonderful. It should help most people, but it doesn’t mean that this is your path to health. Everyone has their own journey to walk. So that’s something to think about as you apply all these different things we’re talking about. Now, are there any books that you’d recommend? I always ask this of, of, you know, the guests that come on, but any books you recommend that really had an impact on you from both a healing or just a life stance?
Caspar Szulc: 39:39
No, no, I completely can understand that. And there, there are so many different you know, books out there. The one thing I did see on your website though is, is that you mentioned the documentary, The Secret, which is, you know, quite popular and that how that gave you hope. Can you tell me one of the things, you know, that that helped you out of it, that the idea of manifestation. That you’ve gotten to where you are today because you, you sort of manifested that and there’s something, you know, the secret, that attraction factor in there. Can you tell me how that impacted you?
Yuli Azarch: 40:10
Yeah. The Secret was my entry into the self-development world when I was the age of 17. And to be honest, I don’t really like this movie right now. I think it has some issues and flaws of it. It’s kind of what got me into the personal development. So I’ll give lots of credit to this movie and yeah, I, I totally, if I can reverse engineer the last 10 years, I manifested my life. So I got into lots of personal development work. I do it to this day. I went to all the Tony Robbins seminars. I went, I’ve done lots of other personal development work and I worked on myself on making Yuli better and I started setting goals, yearly goals and I started reviewing them and I started visualizing what I want to achieve in my life. And my life is totally, drastically different from where it was 10 years ago and very drastically different from where it was five years ago.
Yuli Azarch: 41:13
So I’m a big believer in manifestation and visualization. It’s actually one of the habits I do not every day, but usually every other day I focus on visualizing what I want to achieve. I focus on already the feeling of having it in my life. I mean I just find, because I have my five/ten plus years experience with most things, which I visualize most things which I was obsessed about, I got, whether it was the money, if it was the health, if it was the relationship. I’m a big believer in meditation and I really like Joe Dispenza’s work as well, where he can, he teaches you how to manifest things from elevated emotions of joy, gratitude, love. He teaches you through meditations to get to those elevated emotions, and the think, what you want to do in your life, what do you want to get, and then you end up attracting it. So I really believe it. I kind of use those things. I do use meditation, I visualize every, almost every other day. What do I want to achieve? So I regularly do lots of self-development work and yeah, I I just a big believer in everything that has to do with this.
Caspar Szulc: 42:25
And you’ve obviously invested a lot in this. I mean, I heard you mention that you spent over $100,000 in therapies and you’re going to these seminars and this is an investment. Do you think it’s been worth it?
Yuli Azarch: 42:39
Totally. I don’t remember from who the quote is from, but the best investment you can make in your life, is in yourself. I think Warren Buffet says this and Jim Rohn and I recorded, I like best are those quotes, but your income rarely exceeds your personal development. I really like those quotes and I invest a lot in myself as well as in my health all the ways. I don’t see it as an expense. I see it as an investment. So early on when I barely had any money, I was investing in better foods. I was buying organic, I was buying the best things I could when I didn’t have the money. And right now when I’m earning more money, I’m simply investing in more advanced things, whether it’s more expensive supplements and alternative treatments. And I keep investing in myself like for personal development.
And I keep learning and growing. It’s a very important investment. And I think it’s the most important investment you can make because you can take away all my money. You can take away all my success. You can take everything, but you can’t take away the person you become. You can’t take away your learnings and your experience. And that’s where personal development comes. If you’re developing yourself and you’re becoming more, you can attract more. And I don’t really worry if I would have to lose everything I’ve built because I worked for myself and I would continue investing in myself every single year in larger amounts of things too. I really believe it’s the best investment a person can do.
Caspar Szulc: 44:09
I love that because you hit on two really trademarks that we talk about, especially in innovative medicine. I speak to patients all the time and they see paying out of pocket for their medical treatments for obtaining their health as this nuisance as something, I don’t know if I could spend that. Meanwhile, they’re spending on cars, on all these things, material things. So it’s where you put your priority. And I do believe investing in yourself, not in external things is the best thing you could do. And number two, it’s that idea of quality costs, and quality determines results. So if you’re going to invest, why wouldn’t you invest in the best? If you have a Ferrari, you’re going to put the best gas in it. You’re going to take care of that. You’re going to wash it probably every week. You’re going to look after it as if it’s this prize possession, which to many it is what is a more prized possession than your health. Without it you have nothing. You can’t do other things. You can’t be as productive. Your brain doesn’t work to then come up with ideas that take you to the next level and allow you to live a truly free life and a happy life. So, you saying that it totally just echoed with what we’re about and I love that you brought that up.
Yuli Azarch: 45:24
That’s great. As an entrepreneur, I really believe that the healthier you are, the more money you can attract to your life. Because if your brain, let’s say working at 50% capacity, you will be worse in your business or your career and you’ll not get a promotion. You will not earn more money. So just by investing more in your health and feeling better, I see the direct ROI actually in terms of financial results and business results. And I see those also as a competitive advantage because I don’t think lots of people see it as an investment. And lots of people, even wealthy people are not gonna invest in their health. And this is, I think for me, a competitive advantage and can be for everyone else to kind of buy a hack, to invest in your health, to feel better. I see it as the base for everything else in life.
Yuli Azarch: 46:12
And there is a saying that a person can have a thousand wishes, but the person who lost his health may have only one wish to regain yourself. So luckily, as I mentioned earlier on, I lost my health very early in my life. It wasn’t really something serious like no cancer. It was just debilitating back pain. And I realized even very early in my life, luckily once you lose it, once you lose some part of your health, nothing is important. You don’t care about money, you don’t care about relationships. All you want is to regain your health and feel better and I think that’s the largest and wealthiest feeling you can have just having health and feeling better, but those are my beliefs and that’s where I’m investing my times and my funds and I think it will pay off much more as well in terms of ROI and like finances.
Caspar Szulc: 47:00
Business. Yeah. I’m so vibing on that because it is an ROI. It is about that investment in yourself will come back and pay dividends. When you went through that health challenge though, can you look back now where you are and be able to say that that was a blessing in some way? Because a lot of people say that losing their health is this curse almost and it’s such a detriment. Whereas I have interviewed so many patients that have come out the other side and are now doing that are incredible that they never would have been doing if they hadn’t gone through that health crisis or that conflict with their health.
Yuli Azarch: 47:38
Yeah. It’s one of those things where once you’re inside of it, once you’re going for the health challenge, you hate it. You don’t want to do it. You don’t want to experience those bad things which are happening to health and you don’t think at that moment, but it’s a blessing. Usually, you can see it only retrospectively looking backward. How this impacted your life or how this changed your life? So the same is true. When I was going from my challenges early on with my health and with my back issues when my wife was going for like a two-year nasty heavy metal detox, mold detox, EMF sensitivities and lots of other bad things. I hated it. She hated it to be honest.
Like it was horrible. And I don’t a wish for anyone to go through those things, but it’s a blessing in disguise and I right now, cause at least I can look backward, I could see how it impacted my life. So if it’s my back pain from ages 17 to 21 or 22 I still have some back pain, which still forces me to do more things for my body, but it allowed me and forced me to work on my health. Something which I don’t know if I would have done without it cause some people don’t really feel anything we don’t have and they just eat whatever they want and they do whatever they want with our health. So this really linked in my brain. The importance of good health and what can happen when you lose your health and with everything would happen from my traveling and to my wife for her situation, with heavy metals and mold – I know right now so much about heavy metals, about mold, about EMF, probably more than 99% of people because I took the time and I had to, I was forced to educate myself and, it will serve me for life right now a while it was horrible. Right now I know how to remove metals from my body and I have some supplements which daily make sure to remove metals because it’s one thing which we’re exposed to in our world. Unfortunately in the post-industrial world were living in, now I know how to mitigate my EMF. And I feel so much better and calmer because of it. And if I would not go through this process, who knows like what exposures I would be having do his days. So it’s forced of all allowed me to be much, much healthier because it’s forced me to double down on my education and learning about health.
We use different health coaches for my wife. I think it’s an essential piece when someone is going through a health issue. Having a coach beside you is an investment. And this is so essential because yeah, it’s important to study and learn. But having the person who can guide you with small details of what to do this day and what to change is essential. So I learned a through the health coaches we’ve used and yeah, right now I’m starting a business about EMF and I got passionate about this topic and I would have never went this direction ever in my life if my wife won’t go through what she went for her own health story. So for sure, everything I went through is a blessing in disguise. And one belief which I kind of imprinted on myself, it was from Tony Robbins Date With Destiny event, which life is happening for you, not to you. So it’s searching for the blessings when they’re happening and it’s still challenging sometimes when something bad is happening, you want to be angry. Like it’s the situation. But usually, later on, you can see the blessing and the beautiful thing which came out of that negative situation. And the same thing about everything which happened to me and my wife, with her health.
Caspar Szulc: 51:18
Yuli, you sound like the perfect patient. First off I have to say because if you’re listening to this and you’re going through the this and you’re going through medical treatment or whatever, like listen to these words because it’s so true and I try and tell and it’s so hard, I get it. When you’re going through it, it’s impossible to see. You know what will come of it and you’re just going through a very tough time. So you’re usually in a negative state, but you do have to uplift yourself. And I think it’s stories like yours and just those words that give some hope to others that you will come out of that someday you will look back on this and see it as a blessing if you allow that, that is your choice to go through that and how you go about it. And if you take the proactive steps to become researched and knowledgeable about everything out there and apply and have an open mind, is that part of it as well?
Yeah, I think we live in a very interesting world, kind of on the belief I have. It’s the worst we ever had. And it’s also the best we ever had. At the same time because a hundred years ago people didn’t have to deal with EMFs or heavy metals or many other things, but at the same time there are so amazing things happening in the world, in the health world, in the longevity world. And I’m amazed by the different technologies and things you can do right now to heal, which I’ve used throughout my journey and I keep using it. So it’s, it’s really amazing the access we have in terms of knowledge as well. 20 to 30 years ago we didn’t have Google or the internet where you can go and read and educate yourself on each topic. You couldn’t jump on a Skype call and get a health consult. You couldn’t really get so easily all the supplements you’re getting. There was no Amazon, which can send it in two days. There were not so many things. So there are amazing things, in my opinion, happening in the health world. And there is a lot of hope. I partially, I went through it. I know my wife went through it and it’s hard in those moments. But you need to open your eyes. It may be hard, but there are so many solutions. I really have a belief like – if there’s a problem, there is also a solution. When it comes to health there are amazing things which people can tap into today.
Caspar Szulc: 53:26
Yeah, I’m on board that there is this polarity to both sides of the best of times. It’s the worst of times, but it’s what you choose to do with it. Correct. When you have the best, it’s how you’re going to do that. You have the opportunity. And like you said, hat advent of Google alone is such a powerful tool. And, and it’s what you do in social media too, is this powerful tool that you can either follow people for hope and inspiration or you could become a troll and just go down a negative path and hate on everyone. And that’ll probably come back to bite you. Right? So it is a tool and all tools kind of find themselves in the middle and they’re neutral. It’s how you use it. So I really like that.
So what’s, what’s next for you? Got the EMF company coming out with the clothing line. What, what else is brewing with Yuli?
Yuli Azarch: 54:09
So I am looking to actually move in and stop my nomadic lifestyle. Partially it’s, because everything we spoke about health, I got interested so much into health. It’s just challenging to live like a very healthy life when you’re nomadic. Because as I mentioned, your environment is impacting you so much. So let’s say you are in a bad environment, at least you can go back to your own house afterward and recover. But I don’t have it. So if I’m in a bad environment, I don’t know what is the next environment I’ll end up being. So one thing I’m looking for is to create my healing environment and have a more permanent home. But even if I’ll travel, I’ll have a place to go back to FL, if I beat my body down throughout travel. I’m looking to see what I can create in an EMF space. I don’t really know yet. Right now we are recording, one thing I’m going to be launching is an EMF clothing line. There are a few other things I’m looking into, but there’s really nothing concrete and yeah, there is just more joy and wealth going to Yuli the way I envision it.
Caspar Szulc: 55:19
I like that. Join wealth and abundance and that’s what I hope for you too. Where can the listeners learn more about you and what you’re doing?
Yuli Azarch: 55:28
So people can find me on Instagram, Facebook, Yuli Azarch, and I also have a personal brand website People can find more about what I’m up to there.
Caspar Szulc: 55:42
Yeah. And we’ll link that on the website. Any final thoughts, anything you’d like to share as we close this out?
Yuli Azarch: 55:50
I don’t really have. We covered a lot of topics and maybe to leave on a positive note that I think we are living in the most amazing time we ever lived throughout history despite the challenges and the bad things which are happening and maybe to strengthen the point that the brain is going to find what it searches for. So if you want to focus on the bad things, you’ll totally find them and very many of them. But if you’ll focus on the good things and if you’ll focus on beautiful things which are happening, you’ll find those as well. So maybe I’ll close with that thought.
Caspar Szulc: 56:24
An amazing closing thought there and for everyone listening, apply that type of thinking to your life and I think you’ll heal a lot quicker and you’ll live longer and healthier and happier and that’s, that’s the name of the game. So thank you Yulifor this. And yeah, I hope to be in touch.
I always truly vibe with people who get the importance of health and implement a holistic approach to preserving it. ULI showed us. We can stay healthy while living nomadic, but he also illustrates why it’s so important we put our health first during these trying times with the coven 19 pandemic and seeing that those impacted most have impaired immune systems or other chronic conditions they’re dealing with. We need to turn to people like Yuli and remember that health is our greatest wealth. Again, we’ve been posting a bunch of great resources and products you can take to optimize your health and your immune system on as well as some great research that gives us new insight into natural ways to help with it, and we’ll continue to share the fascinating stories of others to empower and encourage you to write your own story. This is Caspar Szulc wishing you and your families stay healthy and happy.
The post The Story of Healthy Nomadic Travel With Yuli Azarch. appeared first on Innovative Medicine.
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