What’s an Ozonaut? The Story of Micah Lowe.
One of the greatest myths in alternative and integrative medicine is that the therapies aren’t backed by science or clinically proven. The truth is, much of what we call alternative medicine is actually based in deep-rooted science, but for one reason or another, that science gets buried. We’re here to unearth it and provide you with the facts so you can make empowered decisions as to how to restore and preserve your health.
In this episode, we’re turning to with Micah Lowe to talk about ozone therapy. He dropped out of nursing school and quit his job on an ambulance to develop equipment for ozone therapy – an oxidative modality and an effective therapeutic method that helps increase oxygenation, improve detoxification, and stimulate the immune system. He went on to start two companies, Simply O3, an ozone equipment company, and Honest O3, an ozone cream company.
This is the story of the Ozonaut, Micah Lowe.
Enjoy the show!
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Website: www.SimplyO3.com / www.HonestO3.com
YouTube: youtube.com/drsozone
LinkedIn: Linkedin.com/MicahLowe
The Transcript
Disclaimer: Transcripts are prepared by a transcription service. Refer to full video above for exact wording.
Caspar Szulc: 00:19
Hey everybody, Caspar Szulc here. One of the things I wanted to do with this podcast is showcase the multitude of alternative and integrative therapies that I’ve seen firsthand have such a positive effect on so many patients and present the science and research behind them. The truth is most of what we call alternative medicine is actually based in deep rooted sites both for one reason or another that science gets buried. We’re here to unearth it and provide you with the facts so you can make empowered decisions as to how to restore and preserve your health. Today we’re talking with Michael Lowe. He dropped out of nursing school and quit his job on an ambulance to develop equipment for ozone therapy, an oxidative modality and an effective therapeutic method that increases oxygenation, improves detoxification, and stimulates the immune system all naturally and working with the body. And not against it. He went on to start two companies, Simply O3, an ozone equipment company and Honest O3, an ozone cream company. This is the story of the Ozonaut.
Micah. Thanks for being on the show. I know a little bit about your story and it’s very interesting and I think it mirrors a lot of my own. So I’m really curious to hear it, but can you go into your story? What inspired you to become a quote-on-quote Ozonaut?
Micah Lowe: 01:27
Yeah. Well, I’m really excited to be able to talk with you about this stuff. We’re starting to educate more people and I think that’s a good thing, but concerning the Ozonaut initially, so I was going kind of down the traditional medical path and thought I’d become a doctor. So I had gone to nursing school, I was an EMT, it was working in a pharmacy and just kind of, you know, going down that road. What I found though is when I would ask questions like, ‘hey, why don’t we for people who have Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes and they recently got onto it, why don’t we just give them Metformin for like six months and also kind of a life action plan of how they’ll get out of Diabetes?’ And you know, that was one question. And that particularly was, well we don’t have a pill that cures diabetes yet, I continued to kind of ask that question in different areas and it just kinda came back with the same response.
And I was like, I’m kind of starting to see how I view things differently than what this is and I really don’t want to be associated with it. So at that time I started to work with my dad on developing some UBI equipment and help them, or well, this was all kind of overlapping, but I was helping him develop some equipment for UBI, which is ultraviolet blood irradiation. And that’s an IV therapy. They take some blood out, they put it back into the body after exposing it to some UV light. And that has some interesting properties, but basically I saw kind of the difference of the doctors that were doing that, which was a little bit outside of the scope of what they normally do. But they took a very basic approach to medicine, which is what’s the furthest thing up river and let’s address the root cause.
And I really just jived with that. So I jumped ship from nursing, I helped with the equipment that kind of started to take off and then started developing some ozone equipment and made it a lot less expensive than it typically was. So the machines out there at the time were $1,500 to $2,000. And so I made one for $650. And you know, it was stable, reliable, all those types of things. And so that got it into the hands of a lot more people. And so that’s how I got involved with ozone therapy is through kind of the developing of equipment and helping out with that. And also ozone is very synergistic to UBI. So it was kind of a natural transition.
Caspar Szulc: 04:01
Yeah. Well, we’ll jump into that because I’m very familiar. Actually, I had a UBI treatment the other day. And yeah, there are a ton of synergies and just oxidative therapies in general. But how difficult was that, creating a machine? Do you have an engineering background? You’re telling us you went to school and kind of went on the medical path, but how difficult was it for you? Do you have that mind to take things apart and bring them back together?
Micah Lowe: 04:30
You know, I think some of it, yeah, comes naturally. Yeah, there was a large part of a learning curve, you know, and you’re just trying to figure things out. You play with stuff and, okay, that didn’t work, so let’s do this. And it’s just a lot of trial and error. Especially not having a background in that, but a lot of it too, it got to a point where I was just dictating the outputs, not really dictating like, ‘Oh, hey, this circuit goes to this one,’ and all that kind of stuff. So, what transpired wasn’t me really engineering the nitty-gritty, but more or less the outputs of the machine as I got a little bit more money and was able to kind of source those things out.
Caspar Szulc: 05:04
Oh, very cool. And for those of us who aren’t familiar with ozone, what exactly is it and how common is it really outside the US? Because here in the US I don’t hear too many people. You’re doing a great job promoting it now and it’s building up. But I do know in different areas of the world it’s a little bit more popular. Correct.

“So, out in California or maybe where you’re at, they’ll say the ozone levels are such and such. Right. And that’s a representation of how bad the pollution is because the ozone is actually the molecule that’s purifying the pollution, but they just grabbed that one as a measuring stick. So ozone therapy though is different. We were taking a medical grade ozone oxygen mixture, applying it in a lot of different ways and that has what’s called a Hormesis effect where it stimulates a mild, very mild toxicity. The poison is in the dose.”
Micah Lowe: 05:24
Yeah, it is a bit more popular. So, ozone for people who don’t know usually people have some idea of what it is, not all the time either from the ozone layer, which is a layer in the sky that protects us from the UV light, and we need that or pollution. So, out in California or maybe where you’re at, they’ll say the ozone levels are such and such. Right. And that’s a representation of how bad the pollution is because the ozone is actually the molecule that’s purifying the pollution, but they just grabbed that one as a measuring stick. So ozone therapy though is different. We were taking a medical grade ozone oxygen mixture, applying it in a lot of different ways and that has what’s called a Hormesis effect where it stimulates a mild, very mild toxicity. The poison is in the dose.
So, very mild toxicity in the sense that it’s stimulating oxidative stress, which is also what we get from exercise. But the body responds to that stimulus and it’s like, ‘Oh hey, I need to get working. I need to get going here’. So that’s kind of the crux of ozone therapy. And actually, the first record I could find. I personally looked into the original records of history, the first one I found was in 1874 by a Dr. Stoker in Germany. And so it’s been around and the knowledge of it has been around for quite a long time. They used to use it for disinfecting wounds because it’s a very strong antiseptic. But that kind of started to snowball. Once we got into the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, people started to research a little bit more. Well, what does it do with blood? What happens to the blood once you put that back into the body? And a Dr. Hansler kind of popularized ozone therapy and then the research bed and foundation started to get laid. And so now ozone therapy is fairly widely used worldwide. [inaudible] It’s approved in Europe as a medical therapy, whereas in the United States though, the FDA takes a very strong stance on it saying you know, I was on as toxic gas with no known medical benefit. And they also don’t mention that they actually approved ozone therapy at certain points on its safety. But that’s their stance. So, in the United States, there are probably a few thousand doctors that work with it, but it’s growing.
Caspar Szulc: 07:35
No, it is growing. And, the FDA has their stances on a lot of things that go against some popular research out there now. You talk about these actions and there are so many for ozone from the antiseptic, you mentioned bactericide analgesic increasing O2 in the hemoglobin into tissue. So why is it that it’s underappreciated up to this point? What are we missing about this great therapy that more people aren’t jumping on board and using it in medicine?
Micah Lowe: 08:08
Well, there’s a couple of reasons. Mostly is money. It’s a difficult thing to fund because there’s no way to patent an ozone generator. They’ve been around since the 1890s or earlier. So they’ve been around a time so that’s called prior art. You can’t patent it and if you can’t patent it, you can’t protect it. And oxygen is so cheap. I mean, to administer one of these therapies is really inexpensive. So there’s just not enough money behind it to fund the research because usually a research entity will be funded by an outside group that has vested interest in the financial outcome of that research. And that just isn’t there with those on. So, most of the research that is happening is done by institutions like the University of Sienna in Italy. They believe it’s a good thing and they really want to see its benefit.
So that’s a big part of it. But also, to get FDA approval you have to pay out the ears, for something like that to happen. Especially if you’re going down the medical route. Now maybe with dentistry, we can get a little bit cheaper, but it’s super expensive. So, if at the end of the road you can’t patent the generator and you’re basically just opened the door to compete with somebody like Johnson & Johnson, I mean, who’s going to win that? So, who wants to pour in $10 million into something that they’ll make no money from?
Caspar Szulc: 09:25
Yeah, it’s a common thing in medicine, right? It boils down to money. These are still businesses and a lot of them see it as only that. It’s not about place the patient first, it places the shareholders first for most of them. So it is an unfortunate part of it. But you see it a lot.
Micah Lowe: 09:42
And I should iterate too that there is money to be made in practicing with ozone. It’s just the system in place that mandates the amount of money that you need to have is quite a lot. So to get that amount of cash is difficult for doctors practicing it, there’s no money in it, it’s just not that billion-dollar pill.
Caspar Szulc: 10:05
Of course, of course. And I know lots of doctors who implement this and get great success. And of course, there is a payment for that therapy. You mentioned UBI or I usually call it UVB is different from ultraviolet blood radiation. You move from that to Ozone. And you said there are synergistic effects of the two oxidative therapy. What are those?
Micah Lowe: 10:28
Yeah, so there was a company called Vasogen which was out of Canada and they actually got through phases one and two of the FDA trials. So this was an example of a company that was funded, well-funded, with hundreds of millions of dollars. I think they had $225 million poured into research, which was a lot. Basically, they did patent this machine that used a UV light, ozone and I think some heat. So, they tried to get some heat shock proteins. But basically this company did all the research on ozone, which validated its safety and efficacy. They are going after chronic heart failure stage three. There’s already a lot of damage done to the heart by that point. So, they did end up failing once they produced a report that said it doesn’t work for chronic heart failure stage three. And I know why they were going after that was because that’s where the big money is at.
It’s heart disease and cancer. So they were trying to go after something that can make money. But once they produced a report that showed the damage is already kinda done. Ozone doesn’t help a ton with that. All the investors pulled out because that’s what they’re going after. So it crumbled. But along the way, they did a lot of great research. And so they were able to show that I was not alone was good. UBI alone is good, but when you put the two together, you get a synergistic effect. So UBI has kind of the auto-vaccine effects where it’s able to dismantle the bacteria, viruses in the body, that goes back into the body and your body recognizes it. On the other side, ozone therapy has the oxidative stress side of things, which it’s helping the body to respond with an antioxidant response. So they’re very synergistic in what they do. And that’s why doctors commonly use them together. And it’s super easy to add on. So if you’re already doing )zone, add UBI, if you’re already doing UBI, add Ozone.
Caspar Szulc: 12:13
And there’s another oxidative therapy that, that some practitioners utilize as well, which is H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy. What are your thoughts on comparing ozone to Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy and, and just generally, how do you feel about H2O2 therapy?
Micah Lowe: 12:29
Yeah. I haven’t studied much about Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy. To my understanding, the differences are that from a very high-level view is that ozone therapy appears to be a lot safer. There are some precautions that need to be taken with Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy. I would imagine it’s stimulating some similar responses and then it’s creating reactive oxygen species, which creates the antioxidant response, which is also what hyperbaric is doing. So hyperbaric, although we’re forcing oxygen into the body that does a similar thing to ozone in some respects in that we’re trying to stimulate oxidative stress so that the body recognizes that oxidative stress and starts to mediate it. So all of those have some similarities as far as the particular differences between Hydrogen Peroxide and Ozone, I couldn’t comment on.
Caspar Szulc: 13:20
Yeah. Well, I know there’s a lot of myths because we’ve listed Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy is one of the Innovative Medicine therapies or just one of the comprehensive therapies within the integrative medicine spectrum of options. And a lot of people contacted us and say, okay, so if I drink a bunch of H2O2 hydrogen peroxide, that’ll help me? And it’s like, no, no, no, that’s not it at all. Don’t do that. That can be very dangerous. So there are myths about these therapies that are going around. You do need someone to clinically apply them. You need a doctor who is trained to do that. What’s a common myth you hear about ozone?
Micah Lowe: 13:55
There’s a lot. I think one of the big ones being ozone is a pollutant. So ozone is always toxic. That since it’s toxic to the lungs, it’s toxic to everywhere else and it is toxic to the lungs. There are no antioxidants in our lungs. So ozone being an oxidant goes in and oxidizes lung tissue and you don’t want that. But in other parts of the body, like the colon or the blood have the total antioxidant system that’s able to quench the ozone before it creates any harmful actions. So the first of all being it’s a pollutant. The second being that it’s always dangerous. And probably the third being for people who are even advocates of Ozone Therapy, that ozone goes into the body and kills bacteria, all that stuff or kills cancer. It doesn’t do that. It’s just bringing the body into homeostasis, allowing the body to do what it’s meant to do. And so it’s stimulating the body on a more fundamental process. And the ozone gas is not traveling through your veins. It reacts immediately within milliseconds. So it’s not traveling through killing and destroying everything in its path, it has a very short reaction time and it stimulates a cascade effect.
Caspar Szulc: 15:04
Right. And that’s something that most people have to understand when you’re using any therapy, any medical therapy, you don’t want it to take on an action that the body can do. You want it to have the body react in that way and basically support self-healing. And that’s a very important thing for any therapy. And then ozone does a wonderful job at it. I want to talk a little bit about anoxia or deficiency of oxygen reaching the tissue. Basically as an underlying cause of a lot of chronic conditions today. Would you agree with that statement?
Micah Lowe: 15:36
I couldn’t definitively comment on that. I think that there’s a lot of issues at play and you have to go upriver, well what’s causing the ischemic tissues or anoxia or whatever. And I think a lot of those, you know, we have environmental factors, we have life stressors, we have different things that are happening. But I think where Ozone therapy comes in to play is not that it does help with getting some more oxygen to the tissues and I’m not sure if that’s the root cause, oxidative stress and inflammation are two very fundamental things that ozone also works with. And it does help with peripheral vascular disease. So, if that’s your leaning that the anoxia is the issue that we need to address. Ozone still works with that.
Caspar Szulc: 16:22
Yeah, I understand there are so many root causes. You can’t ever point at one. But I think one that gets overlooked is a little bit of that just because even in a stress state, you’re going to have shallow breathing, you’re going to have some anoxia. And so many people are just stressed out. They don’t even realize they’re not breathing correctly. They’re not using the diaphragm. They’re not taking in enough oxygen. And of course, ozone is not the answer to that. But, it could be. I’ve just heard this from different people and of course, everyone hypothesizes on what the root causes when it’s not the, it’s one of a series of root causes.
Micah Lowe: 16:59
Yeah. And there’s just so many factors that play into that type of thing. It’s able to work with that and it’s, it’s really helpful for, ischemic tissues or peripheral vascular disease. And it does kind of address at a very fundamental level. So you still are getting, maybe it’s not the very root cause, but you’re still getting pretty far up the river. The one thing that Ozone therapy definitely does help with, as you said, is the oxygen efficiency. So there’s a difference between how much oxygen we’re taking in, which would be like the breathing and our actual use of that oxygen. So I can breathe in and I probably am most times have a 96 to 99 SpO2. But all that means is that my red blood cells have four sites with something attached to them, which may or may not be oxygen and could even be metals.
You’re looking at fully saturated red blood cells, but that doesn’t represent how well oxygenated you are. There’s a number of factors to that. And one of them being, which where ozone therapy comes in is the efficiency or use of the oxygen. So it’s able to help you metabolize on a cellular level with the oxygen through working with some of the redox things. But yeah, it works. A lot of people think of oxygenation is just, well, I have 99 SpO2, so why would I need to oxygenate more? Well, you probably do because you’re most likely, based on the environmental factors or whatever your life habits are. There’s probably some need to improve that.
Caspar Szulc: 18:30
Yeah. And I want to ask you about the ailments and kind of symptoms that ozone could help, but before we do that, you’re talking about efficiency and optimization. Are there other professionals out there, let’s say, athletes, biohackers that are using this and seeing great improvement?
Micah Lowe: 18:46
Yeah, absolutely. We’re working with a guy right now to try to get into the NFL, so he’s an ex NFL player that has some pretty good connections and we’re trying to do some work there. But it helps people with their athletic performance and recovery. Like Adrian Peterson has publicly said he does Ozone therapy. There’s a number of professional athletes that do. It’s really quite easy to find in a professional environment, actually.
Caspar Szulc: 19:10
Yeah. Whenever you’re looking at anything that can optimize the body from even a disease state to get you into healing, you could probably also apply that safely and correctly to someone looking, optimize and take their level up and really be at peak performance. So that’s really interesting and I love that correlation between not just medicine as a healing modality, but medicine also is an optimization to get you to your natural prime. But let’s switch topics back to healing. Cause a lot of people listening are patients or suffering some kind of ailment. So what are the most common ailments that ozone has been applied to successfully?
Micah Lowe: 19:46
Okay, well one of my favorite statements about ozone is that a cure is nothing but treats a lot of things. So, I think all that saying is like Ozone by itself typically does not eliminate something. So, with ear infections or topical infections, it’s pretty effective. But some of the more commonplace things might be like peripheral vascular disease, working with diabetes, macular degeneration, chronic infectious diseases, Lyme disease, autoimmune disorders. Again, it’s working on a very fundamental level. So to provide a list of all the things that it can work with is quite extensive. Now the list of things that it would cure would be shorter and typically confined to like topical infections or post-surgery or non-healing wounds and those types of things. And I always feel the need to give a disclaimer. I’m not a medical practitioner. Maybe that’s out of habit, but all I’m saying here is just my observation of what these things are and may or may not be repeated.
Caspar Szulc: 20:44
No, I get that, Micah. I’m not a medical practitioner either and sometimes people ask me if I am and they mistake me and my father sometimes and call me doctor. And while I’m totally flattered, I have to put that disclaimer out a lot too. So, I feel you on that man. Talking about the use of ozone, I know there’s a lot of different methods of administration. Can you go into some of those and what’s normally practiced? The different ways to utilize ozone?
Micah Lowe: 21:13
Yeah. So for me, the easiest way to think about ozone is in two categories. One is it treats a local area, meaning that it does not benefit the entire body, but a confined space. The second being that it has a systemic benefit, which is more on the fundamental processes of the body. So, for the local treatments, those would be like an ear insufflation for an ear infection, a limb begging for gangrene or non-healing wounds or that kind of stuff. Also, they do joint injections with it. So there’s actually been shown multiple times through multiple studies, 70 to 80% success rate with herniated discs, which is crazy. That’s the same as surgery essentially for 400 bucks and very noninvasive. So, it’s really good for some of the local stuff like that, on a systemic level. There are only a few different ways to do it, but most of it involves either the vein and the blood or rectal insufflation.
So rectal insufflation, not the most fun or glamorous one, but definitely has a lot of research behind it. Super effective. And is really easy to do. People can do it at home in a matter of minutes on their own. And it’s very inexpensive. As far as the IV work, a lot of times the most common one is to draw blood out, mix a small amount of ozone into that blood and reintroduce it back into the body. There is a condemned practice called direct intravenous ozone, which there are a few doctors that, clinically say, ‘I get great results with these meds’. Cool. But most of the scientific communities have condemned that because it’s the only ozone therapy that has negative side effects to it, where like test chest tightness, anxiety and even risk of embolism. So they’re kind of like, why use that when you can do it this way with total safety? But most of it’s going to be either the local or systemic. And then from there, there are also four primary ways it’s used. There’s the medical, which would be kind of the systemic, there’s dental, there are joint injections and there’s cosmetics. So it’s, it’s very broadly used.
Caspar Szulc: 23:19
Yeah. And speaking of that broadness, what type of medical doctors and practices have you worked with? Do you see incorporating ozone into their practice? And what’s that feedback like? Because you just covered dentistry, you covered most of integrated and functional medicine and I’m sure there are some, even in the conventional realm that is starting to apply this. So what kind of doctors are you working with?
Micah Lowe: 23:41
Yeah, primarily the people that are using it are integrative doctors who are treating chronic illnesses and or pain in joints. Those are the most common. Now there’s a lot of people outside of it that use that too. Dentistry is kind of hot right now. I have less experience with that, but a lot of dentists are using it as a replacement for Clorox because I dunno for some crazy reason they’re putting bleach right into the mouth along with mercury.
Caspar Szulc: 24:09
Yeah. And it’s crazy, right? Dentistry’s still a little behind. I know some fabulous dentists out there, so definitely not knocking them. But when you do look at those, you just said the Clorox and the mercury. Maybe we need to adjust that a little bit. I don’t know. But continue.
Micah Lowe: 24:27
Well, I was talking to Dr. Stewart, not only a great dentist in Texas out of Austin, and he was saying why the heck are we treating dentistry unlike anything else? You know, if you went to somebody that was going to replace your knee and you ask them to use mercury and the alloy, they would look at you like you’re crazy. And rightfully so. But why are we putting that same mixture into our head? And it’s, it’s a crazy thing. So the same thing with Clorox. They’re using Clorox to work with the teeth. And there’s a researcher, Valerie Kanter at UCLA right now who’s working with ozone. And her attempt is to replace the use of Clorox with ozone because it goes in as an anti-aseptic effect is good for, she’s an endodontist, so everything she needs to do and then once as long as they’re not breathing it once it’s been used, it’s just oxygen leftover. So there’s no harmful residue, nothing like that, and has a lot of benefits. And I’m sorry, what was your original question?
Caspar Szulc: 25:25
Just the general feedback when doctors start applying it There may be some doctors right now. We worked for over 10 years directly with doctors and we are now repositioning into more patients with this podcast and just the health-conscious, but for doctors out there wondering what, what’s the general feed out, what’s it like to implement this in my practice? How would you answer that?
Micah Lowe: 25:43
It depends on what you’re using it for. It’s a lot easier generally for doctors who already do intravenous methods. So adding that in is just cake. You put in a program; you sell it in kits. So, I’ll sell you five therapies for 10% off. Super easy to implement. And as far as feedback they’re getting, they’re usually using it again for chronic diseases is the most common. And it’s kind of an Energizer Bunny for a lot of people. So, I think the biggest advantage that people generally see with it is an increase in energy and increased stamina. A reduction of brain fog, which is very encouraging for people who are really sick, like Lyme disease, to get some of those quick results because that’s going to, not that ozone is gonna remediate everything they have, but it’s going to encourage them to keep going down that road. So, I think if you’re a practitioner that wants something that gets the bus moving a little bit, ozone has a very good place in that, but also the remediation of the disease among the other things you’re doing.
Caspar Szulc: 26:46
Very true. And I know we’ve been using it for over a decade in our practice and seeing great results, but as part of a comprehensive treatment, it’s not standalone of course. And you have to address so many other things, but it has been pivotal in helping a lot of patients, especially Lyme patients too. That’s a big one. Now I read an article that you wrote on ozone oil and I’d never heard of that. Can you share a little bit more about that? The applications and everything that goes into ozone oil.
Micah Lowe: 27:13
Yeah. So we talked a little bit about the topical use of ozone. What they found is that they can actually infuse oil with ozone gas into it and it creates ozonines. Ozonines are not the same as ozone itself, which is O3, but it has some similar effects in that it’s an antiseptic and it stimulates growth factor. So, it’s commonly used topically and orally for the dental stuff. And it’s quite amazing what it’s able to do and it’s not natural cause it’s been chemically modified by ozone. But a lot of the products out there are single-ingredient products just mixed with ozone and they’re very strong. Antiseptics even there’s been cases where they’ve been able to remediate an MRSA, diabetic ulcers, things like that, just with oil. So I got started with ozone oil and then I moved into ozonated creams and gels just cause the standard was a bit higher.
So in the United States the way that the manufacturing was going is basically just kinda like, ‘does that look done? I think so.’ All right let’s start selling it. And so every bottle you got was a little bit different. And so it’s still a really good product still. I still would use it if that’s all I had, but we basically went to a higher standard that we definitively know exactly what’s in each and every one. So I think standardization is super important for this sphere just so that there’s a more uniform way of doing these things, more predictable results. And that’s kind of what we were attempting to accomplish with going to the ozone creams and gels. The oils can be used for a plethora of things, just so much.
Caspar Szulc: 28:54
Yeah. And that’s another great option for anyone dealing with any kind of skin condition or anything. And it’s something I hadn’t actually heard of using. And that’s very cool that you could share that with us. What are your thoughts on the use of ozone for water purification? Cause you know, we gave classes about ozone and this was brought up that cities like Zurich, Moscow, Marseille, Singapore, use this and don’t use chlorination for tap water, which is drinking water for millions of people. So what do you feel? Should we be moving into ozonating water in our water supply?
Micah Lowe: 29:29
Well, we should definitely be eliminating chlorine and fluoride and not the natural version. Some people are doing the salt pools, which creates chlorine naturally, which is good. So I think if you can find anything that moves away from that, that’s great. And, the Sydney Olympics for example, they use ozonated water. People use it in their hot tubs because it’s kind of self-purifying. But yeah, just eliminates another toxicity that you don’t necessarily need to be exposed to. And it pays for itself because you’re just self-generating the ozone on the site. So yeah, I think it should be more used. It is starting to be more used in municipalities just as a way of getting rid of all the stuff that’s in the water that you don’t want. Now it’s not going to work with fundamental things.
Micah Lowe: 30:12
So you still need a filter. It’s not gonna eliminate fluoride, it’s pretty elemental, but for bacteria and things be kind of like UV light and it’s going in there and killing all this stuff. And it does dismantle some pesticides and other things too, so people will wash it and their fruits and vegetables and that actually dismantles up to 95% the pesticides on the exterior of the vegetable or the fruit. So it is good for that as well. But, I think it would be a great thing if they started to use it more often.
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Caspar Szulc: 30:45
Have you ever thought about making a machine or a filter with ozone yourself?
Micah Lowe: 30:50
Yeah, I used to sell them. I’ve kind of moved on from that just cause there’s a lot, you can find them on Amazon. So, there are little ones you can get at home that just use the air. They’re not a laboratory or a pure grade of ozone. Oxygen mix here. But as far as just making some ozone water or purifying your fruits and vegetables, they’re great. And there are systems you can get for your whole home, but that’s a little bit of a different industry so I didn’t want to step too deep into that.
Caspar Szulc: 31:21
No, I get that now for people really interested in this and in ozone and learning more. I see behind you a number of books that I’m pretty intrigued to know what they are. But do you have a favorite book on ozone or are learning more maybe from a mentor or somebody?
Micah Lowe: 31:38
Yeah, I saw that question and I kinda was like, man, I need to read more books on ozone. There are only a few to choose from. I mean, the pickings are slim. There’s a few of them, some of them are in other languages, but there’s Ozone: The New Medical Drug, which I think kind of set the precedent, that’s the best book out there on ozone today. Most of the books I read here actually I read a lot of business and philosophy, so that’s mostly what I read and Christian books and the Bible and that kind of stuff.
Caspar Szulc: 32:10
Okay, so, so what’s your favorite book that you could recommend? Because I know you’re writing a book right on ozone?
Micah Lowe: 32:18
Yeah. I’m working on that this year and we’ll see when it rolls out, but yeah, we got a good portion of it done.
Caspar Szulc: 32:26
Looking forward to that, but all right. Recommend a book that you personally love.
Micah Lowe: 32:32
Just a book, How to Win Friends and Influence People outside of the Bible. That’s the first book I would give to anybody. There I have a few books sitting here. Rigor Mortis is one that I’ve really been wanting to read. It’s basically just dismantling the current medical system we have. This person didn’t come from a natural healthcare alternative viewpoint either. He just kind of laid it out though. So that’s a book I want to read. I have a couple sitting here, Lifespan by David Sinclair, the guy out of Harvard and then I have How to End the Autism Epidemic. So I’m looking forward to getting into those. But I do need to read more health books because most of the reading I do when I saw that question I was like, man, I’m mostly just reading the studies.
Caspar Szulc: 33:15
I’m the same way. Yeah. I’m the same way. Most of the books I read are based on kind of just improvement and entrepreneurship and autobiographies. And every once in awhile I’ll sneak that in. But I use most of the basis of my medical knowledge is directly from conversations with my father.
Micah Lowe: 33:34
Yeah, that’s a good way to learn is firsthand experience.
Caspar Szulc: 33:38
Yeah. Yeah. Books are amazing, right? But until you experience something that’s a totally different way of learning and improving your wisdom and knowledge. What about some favorite products you could maybe recommend to maintain health and vitality? Aside from, of course, using some Simply O3 products and ozone oil.
Micah Lowe: 33:57
Yeah. Obviously I liked the ozone stuff. And I reconvince myself every time I have to pour through the literature again. It’s just so interesting to me. Food, water, and exercise obviously. I mean for a long time I really went into like, I’m not going to do any supplements, any special things. I’m just going to have a good source of water, good sleep, good exercise, good connection with other people’s diet and a focus on that. But I’ve started to kind of reintegrate some of the things cause if they’re there, why not? So I think my favorite thing would be a sauna. I just do a dry heat sauna at the gym. And I couldn’t speak for all the benefits that give, but I know it’s doing something.
I feel great every time I do that. Ozone Ices is probably a machine that a lot of people haven’t heard of that has a terrible name considering what’s going on. But this is a PEMF machine created by why am I going blank on his name? Dennis. He was the guy that really developed PEMF. He was contracted by NASA and the military and a very interesting backstory on how we got into this, but basically, there’s pulsed electromagnetic therapy and a lot of the machines are sending this really high frequency, basically heated testing and testing and testing until he was able to reduce it down to, hey these are the only frequencies we really need. And what that does is that just is the same frequencies our body uses for stimulating healing or whatever it is. There are different ones you can set it to. And it sounds a little bit hokey, but it’s pretty legit.
Caspar Szulc: 35:42
No, I actually just posted today on Instagram a picture of me in a big PEMF machine, an Alphatronic from Germany and kind of went into it. And you’re right, it could sound hokey, but there’s so much research behind it. My father was actually conducting research at Yale one time in the early nineties. And all the benefits, he was in pain management at the time and just wound healing, bone healing, of course, all those things, there’s so much research behind it. So I’m really glad you brought that up because PEMF again is one of those therapies that I think are underutilized and misunderstood. Sorta like ozone.
Micah Lowe: 36:16
Yeah. And from there I also use lasers. And then as far as supplements, I take Restore by Dr. Zach Bush. I think it’s called Ion Cleanse now or something. But that’s just a gut health product that’s, that’s unparalleled, I would say it actually healed my wife’s leaky gut. We didn’t really change anything else. We just did that. And she was able to remediate that. She was so severe that if she had a piece of pizza that day before, the next day she would be puking from like 5:00 AM until like 11. So she was really messed up and Restore was actually able to remediate that. Molecular Hydrogen, obviously vitamin D and Perfect Aminos by Body Health. And that’s really all I take.
Caspar Szulc: 36:55
Okay. I always say simplicity is key, right? It’s not about what more could you put in your body. It’s almost the least amount you can put in for it to be in an optimal form and healing itself at all times. You mentioned gut health and obviously it’s something personal cause your wife suffered some gut issues. Can ozone help at all with gut health?
Micah Lowe: 37:18
Yeah. So there was a study I recently read. It was interesting cause I was trying to figure out what does rectal insufflation do to the microbiome? And because there’s a lot of people say, well, it’s damaging to the microbiome and other people say it actually is beneficial to the microbiome, which doesn’t make a lot of sense because you’re sending an oxidant into an anaerobic environment. But from the studies out there, it actually does seem to benefit the microbiome, which is really interesting. But basically they had 34 patients with dysbiosis, imbalance of their gut species, and they remediated it after 90 days on just ozone therapy. So, yeah. Interesting.
Caspar Szulc: 37:56
Very cool research and, and we’re learning so much about the microbiome and it, and it still a little bit, I would say even of a mystery, all of those connections gut-brain and everything else, the, you know, now they’re correlating the microbiome to depression if you have certain strains, bacteria in there. And so yeah, that’s pretty interesting that ozone has that impact. Now you have simply O3, yet you have these things, the oil coming up. What’s next for you and these companies?
Micah Lowe: 38:26
I mean really the foundation of what I want to lay is education for people. So Dr. Macola has been a really encouraging person in my life and trying to get me to do better, work smarter, those types of things. And so I don’t necessarily want to replicate what he’s done, but I would like to stand on his shoulders and bring that education and more people to allow them to make informed choices about their health. But you know, they don’t need to agree with me. I really don’t care. I just want the information to be out there and people have access to it. Not necessarily just have to listen to the person who’s exclusively financially incentivized to give them something. So I want there to be more options for these people. So I’d like to over time, kind of focus on ozone therapy, really get a good handle on that, provide a lot of education, kind of saturate the market and then expand into more general education about health, is kind of the long term play I’m calling for.
Caspar Szulc: 39:18
Yeah. I mean, I can absolutely applaud that because that’s something I feel very strongly about. Education is empowerment, right? And I feel like nowadays patients especially or people going suffering from any condition feel that they have lost their power, their options are not there. I mean, I speak to them all the time. Frustrated, hopeless. These are words you hear and what you’re doing to educate and therefore empower patients is, is really great. Any final thoughts that you’d like to share with our listeners?
Micah Lowe: 39:49
Well I’m not sure what you believe or anybody listening, but I did write down a couple of Bible verses here just based off of that question, which is ‘The heart of the man plans his ways, but the Lord establishes steps’. And then the second verse ‘Come now you who say today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make a profit.’ You do not even know what will happen tomorrow. So I think for me I am stepping out on faith that this is what I want to do. But I’m also okay with the fact if it switches gears, whatever God has for me, I just want to be stepping in faith on what God has for me every single day.
Caspar Szulc: 40:27
I love that because faith is such an important factor in healing and it should be a more important factor in medicine. I actually believe every patient I’ve spoken to at a certain point mentioned that word regardless of their religion, whether they’re atheists, it doesn’t matter. I mean faith is so incredibly important. And thank you for sharing that, Micah. And thank you for being here. And where could people learn more about you and about Simply O3?
Micah Lowe: 40:55
Drsozone.com, that’s kind of the education channel on ozone. We don’t sell any products there are just trying to put out some good education. But we’re building the website up so you might notice some things here and there. But I’m working on writing a lot of articles, doing a lot of videos. So on YouTube- drsozone is my YouTube channel and I’m consistently putting out information for people.
Caspar Szulc: 41:22
Awesome. And definitely go check that out, everybody. I know you got a lot of things planned in 2020 so best of luck with everything. I hope our paths cross again because we’re definitely on the same path here and a mission and wonderful speaking with you, Micah.
Micah Lowe: 41:36
Yeah, you too. I’m sure we will cross paths again and I really appreciate just the time you gave me today.
Caspar Szulc: 41:41
Micah did a great job breaking down Ozone Therapy, and why it should be viewed as a viable therapeutic option for many, but it’s no magic pill. Nothing is. It’s the combining of different effective and holistic therapies from around the world that are personalized to the patient that have been shown to have the best outcomes in real healing of the body, mind, and spirit. And that’s why I applaud Micah and others like him that we’ll be having on this podcast for their efforts. If you like what you heard today, check out Micahs youtube channel youtube.com/drsozone and leave us a rating on iTunes or wherever you’re listening to this. Until next time, stay healthy and happy and continue writing your own healing story.
The post What’s an Ozonaut? The Story of Micah Lowe. appeared first on Innovative Medicine.
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