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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, YouMatrix H2O

YouMatrix H2O

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YouMatrix H2O restores the natural structure of water by realigning water molecules at the electromagnetic level. As water is exposed to toxins such as pollutants or electromagnetic radiation (EMFs), it loses its structure and ability to properly hydrate the body.

Molecularly speaking, our bodies are 99% water. That's why its vitally important to provide the body with quality water. Just as you'd place premium gas into a luxury car, our bodies require the very best, structured water.  When you place your water onto the YouMatrix H2O disc, the patent-pending microcrystalline structure restores the necessary shape and spin the water needs to support our biology. 


How to Use
It takes at least 20 minutes to restructure 1 liter of water on the YouMatrix H2O, however ideally the water should be on it for 48 hours. The 48 hour period is based on something called the Chronobiology clock that indicates what information is “downloaded” and stored in water during a specific time of the day. Ideally we want to capture and utilize all of this information that is imprinted from 4am-4am (sun time) in 1 Chronobiological day cycle, and we can do so by drinking water that has been sitting on a YouMatrix H2O during this time. This information can properly guide our biology to restructuring the water throughout our internal systems. We suggest you get a 2-3 gallon container and fill it with spring and never let it run dry. Since there are 3.785 liters/ gallon if your container is 2 gallons it will initially take approximately 2 1/2 hours for the full container to be structured. If, however, you add water every time you draw from it your water will continue to be structured. Thus if you draw a liter of water to drink, then replace that liter.
How It Works
The key to quality water lies in its structure. While purified and filtered water is important, having it structured is the final step to proper hydration and water that helps us stay optimized and healthy. The patent-pending microcrystalline structure restores the necessary shape and spin the water needs to support our biology. It is recommended to use ocal spring water (which may also need to be filtered) with the YouMatrix H2O. If you cannot access a clean source of spring water you must have water that has natural minerals in it. Reverse osmosis water no longer contains minerals that can be structured.
Who Created It?
Designed by famed French researcher Pierre Nicolas, YouMatrix 5G is the result of 56 years of research in electromagnetic radiation and how to protect us from harmful radiation patterns.