FEED - Articles – Innovative Medicine
Neuro Emotional Therapy: Exploring the Physical Link Between Emotion and Trauma
Our entire lives are dictated by our perspectives, our experiences, and our emotions. Although we may understand how experiences and perspectives are formed by the events in our lives, over time humankind has developed a wariness towards our more emotional tendencies. Many of us are taught that emotions weaken us and make us more susceptible or vulnerable to damage. Others are taught to distrust their emotions and focus on logical evaluation. Although to an extent, both may hold some truth, the process of turning our backs on our emotions has opened humanity to a different kind of weakness: illness and […]
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Redefining the Meaning of ‘Integrative Medicine’
Integrative medicine is defined as an approach to care that seeks to integrate the best of Western scientific medicine with a broader understanding of the nature of illness, healing and wellness. But much of what is practiced as integrative medicine is not all that integrative, and can be seen as an incomplete approach to healing. A truly integrative medical approach must make use of ALL viable healing options, and aim to unify medical choices for a single comprehensive treatment plan that restores proper functioning on all levels of the body.
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